Monday, April 30, 2012

Dirk Manning's Mr. Rhee.

Here is a screen capture of my pin-up on Shadowline.

You can find the post here:

This will also appear in the print version of Tales Of Mr. Rhee this October!

For a full sized version of the art visit:


For the original color version and the uncolored line art, please visit:

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Teeth: The Last Hound of God

Come check out the latest story of the web comic written by Eric Palicki(, Illustrated by J. Christopher Greulich(, and colored by Kyle Parker(

Read our second full story now!

Follow the link to read the entire first full story!

Teeth: I Dig Your Grave.

Check it out!

The next instalment of Teeth coming soon!

Dirk Manning's Mr. Rhee.

This is a new Black and White Version requested by Dirk for Image Comic's Shadowline web comics publication.

For the original color version and the uncolored line art, please visit:

The Big World Adventures of Peter Gallant

Here is the cover art for the now-in-progress King-Sized Summer Special.

Peter Gallant is an all age’s book about an adventurous boy by the name of Pete Gallant. He is a genius and a very athletic kid. He thinks outside the box, but knows how to play in the defined rules... until he can't. And then he does what he needs to get the job done!

Think Denis the Menace meets young Indiana Jones.

Video Game Character: Urban Cowboy.

More production art.

I have been working on a video game design and animations for a few months now.
An experiment in creativity.

My friend and co-creator on The World Citizen Organization comic (, Dan Kuntz and I are trying an interesting way to create comics...

I drew this cover, and created the logo for the book.

I then showed them to Dan and asked him to come up with an issue title.

After telling me the title, I drew the first page and showed to Dan.

Dan then wrote the page that you see here.

I am now going to draw the next page, how ever i fell the story should go, and then Dan will write that page's script, and so on, until we have a completed story.

That will keep us both fresh on the project, and will lead us to an unexpected story!

Check back here for further updates!