Monday, September 03, 2012

Joe Kubert, A Personal Hero...
It has taken me three weeks to say my good byes to Joe.
I re-read the entire Enemy Ace stories as well as the original five issues of Ragman (my favorite DC Comics character).
As many of you know, Joe Kubert was a hero of mine. I attended the Kubert School starting back in 1997.
I illustrated this image of Ragman, created by Kubert and Kanigher in 1976 (my born the same year), to commemorate his life and influence on me.
Have a good rest Joe, you have earned it.
From the New York Times:
Influential Comic-Book Artist
Joe Kubert Dies at 85.

  The cause was multiple myeloma, his son Adam said.

Mr. Kubert, who first plied his trade as a teenager in the 1930s and continued drawing in the hospital during his final illness, was among the last of the generation of comic-book illustrators whose work helped define the genre in the years before World War II.

“He’s the longest-lived continuously important contributor to the field,” Paul Levitz, a former president of DC Comics, said in an interview on Monday. “There are two or three of the greats left, but he’s definitely one of the last.”

Mr. Kubert (pronounced CUE-bert) was most closely associated with DC, for whom he drew Sgt. Rock, a World War II infantryman he created with the writer Robert Kanigher, and Hawkman, an airborne crime fighter. He also created Tor, a prehistoric hero, and, with Mr. Kanigher, Enemy Ace, whose antihero is a German pilot.

In addition, Mr. Kubert was considered one of the definitive interpreters of Tarzan.

Through the Kubert School, an academy in Dover, N.J., that he founded with his wife, Muriel, in 1976, Mr. Kubert helped train a generation of young colleagues. The country’s only accredited trade school for comic-book artists, it enrolls students from around the world in a three-year program; well-known graduates include Amanda Conner, Tom Mandrake, Rags Morales and Timothy Truman.

Read the rest of the article here:

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