Sunday, March 25, 2012

Teeth: The Last Hound of God

Come check out the latest chapter of the Web Comic written by Eric Palicki(, Illustrated by J. Christopher Greulich(, and colored by Kyle Parker(

We are running our second story now!

New page posted tomorrow....

Lets spread the word!

Video Game Character: Urban Cowboy.

I have been working on a video game design and animations for a few months now. Here is the sketch of the main character. I then inked that sketch and sent it off. The Art director did the poster design. I also completed a fully rendered image for the group.

Sherlock Holmes
and the
of the
Beryl Coronet
part two.

In the April 2012 issue of A Sandusky Bay Journal.

Check it out where available!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

The Big World Adventures of Peter Gallant

I have come to the conclusion that I have way too many projects I want to write and draw that I will never get to them all.

First and foremost I am a storyteller. I have started looking for artist's that wish to be part of a submission package to the bigger indie companies, and hopefully we can get picked up.

First up, I have an all age’s book about an adventurous boy by the name of Pete Gallant. He is a genius and a very athletic kid. He thinks outside the box, but knows how to play in the defined rules... until he can't. And then he does what he needs to get the job done!

Think Denis the Menace meets young Indiana Jones.

Sunday, March 04, 2012

Sherlock Holmes
and the

of the
Beryl Coronet
part one.

In the March 2012 issue of A Sandusky Bay Journal.

Check it out where available!