Teeth “I Dig Your Grave” Working Method.
01. Receive script from Eric Palicki, my partner in crime.
02. Read over Eric’s script. Make any notes on the script I need to, i.e. setting and costume reference needed.
03. Thumbnail sketch for layout. I do my thumbnails in a variety of ways, depending on the day. These were rendered in ballpoint pen and grayscale Prismacolor markers @ 5.5x8.5 size. That’s about three times larger than normal for me, but it was that kind of day.
04. Send Thumbnails to Eric for approval.
05. Pencils. These are rough layouts. If I am inking my own project, I do not complete full pencils. This allows me to be more “fresh” with my ink lines.
06. Inking. I have used a variety of materials to ink with over the years. Again, it all comes down to the day or the project. Most of my work over the past five years has consisted of a combination of a black Staedtler Mars Graphic 3000 Duo Watercolor Brush Marker and a full range of Faber-Castell Pitt Artist Pens and brush markers.
07. Colors. I have colored using just about any art tool I have had my hands on. Thought I color mostly on the computer these days, my favorite way to color is a hybrid of watercolors and the computer. Here I used Dr. Ph. Martin's: Watercolor Dyes and Photoshop.
08. Lettering. I letter in Illustrator, for the most part. I have used other programs for special effects on various occasions.
For the complete lettered story, visit Eric’s site: